- The Word of Truth
- The Word of Lies
- The Origin of the Word of Truth and Lies
- Who Speaks the Truth?
- Who Speaks the Lies?
- The Word During the Time of First Coming
- Word Spoken by Jesus
- Word of the Pharisees and Sadducees
- Word at the Time of Second Coming
Truth and lies seem easy to recognize. But then, why are people divided? Why didn’t people believe in Jesus when He was the Truth? And if we looked back on how Adam committed sin, isn’t lying blinding enough to neglect the truth?
Let us discover the Biblical definition and distinction of truth and lies. Keep reading to foster a deeper understanding of the Scriptures.
The Word of Truth

Truth, in its literal definition, means true logic or fact. It is a fact or belief that is accepted as true. But if we come to think of it, the truth may vary to people. With that, truth that is based on the human standard creates division and therefore sects that apparently complicate Christianity even more.
What does the Bible say then about the Truth? It is written in John 17:17 that God’s Word is the Truth. Then, does that mean that every preacher and believer who spreads the Word is true? No. We have been warned to watch out for false prophets (Matthew 7:15), study the Scriptures diligently (John 5:39-40), and discern for ourselves what is right (Job 34:4).
To get a clearer picture of what Truth is in the Bible, let us trace back on the events at the time of the First Coming.
God decided to give His only Son to save humanity since the former elects kept breaking their covenant with Him. But before Jesus came into the world, it was already written in the Scriptures that a Savior would come. God gave these prophecies in the hope that people will recognize Jesus when He fulfills them (John 14:29). Ironically, Jesus was not well received by the people who were supposed to believe in Him and even condemned Him to His death.
In a general sense, truth indeed comes with evidence. Jesus came as the Truth (John 14:6)– the Word that became flesh (John 1:14) and proved it by fulfilling what was written in the Scriptures. Through Jesus, God proves Himself as a living God.
The Word of Lies
Lies, on the other hand, is a statement against the fact. It may intend to hurt or protect. Lies are difficult to expose even in court, let alone in the world of Christianity. While it is hard to admit, lies have caused division among believers.
We say that there is only one God and one Truth. Believers claim to follow the Bible as their sole standard in living a Christian life. Yet, why are there thousands of denominations all over the world? Doesn’t this contradict our claim of believing in one God?
It is written in Proverbs 30:6 that adding to God’s words is lying. God also warns everyone of the consequences that will come upon those who subtract from His words (Revelation 22:19). Thus lies, in Biblical terms, refer to adding and subtracting God’s Words.
God eagerly wants to lead His people to the Truth, but mixed and human interpretations have hampered the way to Salvation.
The Origin of the Word of Truth and Lies
Who Speaks the Truth?
We are always comforted by the fact that our Holy God is a promise keeper (Numbers 23:19). He firmly rebukes His followers even when it hurts (Revelation 3:19). He has shown us that it’s better to get hurt by the truth than be comforted with a lie.
But what are these promises that God will fulfill? What is this Truth that God wants us to hold on to?
It is often interpreted that His promises relate to the dreams and hopes that we are yet to attain in life. Some may have directed it to their career, future plans, and relationships. But does the Bible pertain to this?
God indeed has plans for each one of us. But based on the 6,000 Biblical history, God’s chief aim is to lead people to the Truth and attain Salvation.
God is Spirit and we worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). He proved Himself to be true by the physical fulfillment that was promised in the Scriptures. Jesus Himself is the tangible evidence of God’s existence.
Who Speaks the Lies?

God made all the creations beautiful and pure. Even the serpent that deceived Adam was once blameless. He was, in fact, once appointed as a guardian cherub on the holy mount of God. Sadly, his heart became proud on account of his beauty and corrupted his wisdom because of his splendor (Ezekiel 28:17).
Since he was thrown to the earth, he continues to lure the believers into deception. He tempts the elect to their downfall with the distorted Truth. He has become the dragon in Revelation that will soon be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur (Revelation 20:10).
The war between God and Satan has been going on for thousands of years. God has already proclaimed His victory at the appointed time. Satan, on the contrary, is aware of his impending doom. While he has not been fully defeated, he wants to drag as many believers with him to hell.
It may have crossed our minds because such a war should happen. We may have wondered why we could not yet live a life free of pain and suffering if God is omnipotent.
Indisputably, God is an omnipotent, omniscient God. He is so powerful that He could swipe the whole sin away from the world in one command and make it as clean as new. But we should reflect that people are stained with sin. Would that mean He would swipe us away?
God has loved us unconditionally and would fight for us even when some have turned away. He wants to save as many believers as He can. People are given the free will to choose between life and death (Deuteronomy 30:19). Most of all, reciprocating His love is never forced, but rather by choice.
The heaven has tirelessly fought for mankind’s Salvation. If we truly want a life free of pain and suffering, do we actively partake in God’s Kingdom?
The Word During the Time of First Coming
Word Spoken by Jesus

The Bible reveals the pattern of how God works with humans. It is both spirits and flesh that come hand in hand together to fulfill one heavenly goal and not by one entity alone. Let us take the prophets for an instance. God shows His plans to his servants the prophets to make His promises known to people (Amos 3:7). He did this to make people believe when it happens. This revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false (Habakkuk 2:2-3).
True to the Word, Jesus came to the world exactly as He was prophesied in the Scriptures. From His birth to His fate- all was made known even before He came. He was the Word that became flesh and He openly testified it with the 12 disciples. As Jesus spoke and fulfilled God’s Words, it is only through Him we should be saved.
Word of the Pharisees and Sadducees

Jesus testified the Truth, but the people in His time saw it as a foolish claim. Even before Jesus came, denominations have already existed. People were divided according to their beliefs, and some were rigidly ostracized if they did not conform to their religion.
Pharisees, Sadducees, and Teachers of the Law claimed to be firm believers of God. They professed their faith and diligently studied the Scriptures. But Jesus referred to them as snakes (in reference to the serpent in Adam’s time) and as children of the devil due to their unbelief (John 8:44-45). They should have kept it in their hearts that a Savior would come to give them only one clear understanding of the Bible and gather them as one in Him. Instead, they held on to the old teachings and chose to keep their traditions over the Truth.
There is only one God and there is only one Truth. It should be noted that the people who heavily mocked Jesus to His death were not atheists, they were Christians. It was never evil to hold on to the promises of God and do one’s best to live a Christian life. However, it is evil if one does not believe in the fulfillment of the promises of God.
What are promises if not fulfilled, and what is faith if one does not believe?
Word at the Time of Second Coming

The Bible is not a fictional book. It is not merely a record of past events that is passed down through generations. It is God that speaks and directs His people.
If we notice in today’s time, different religions have sprung up all over the world. People seem to have good intentions to try to understand the Bible and live a Christian life the way they opt to be. Believers further call for respect in their beliefs and make peace. But hard as it may be to accept, there is only one Truth among all these teachings. This is a Biblical fact.
Before Jesus had gone up to heaven, He promised to come again not to bear sin, but to bring Salvation to His people (Hebrews 9:28). But what was prophesied before Jesus’ 2nd coming? Are we yet at the time of prophecy or are we already at the time of fulfillment?
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