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Why Should We Study the Bible?

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Bible study is a common activity among Christians. It is often done in small groups or one-on-one. It is a type of fellowship that eludes the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life, providing support and encouragement to each other.

However, there is more to it than just fellowship.

In this article, we will examine the reasons why we should study the Bible from God’s perspective. What does God want us to know inside the 66 books of the Bible?

Importance of Studying the Word of God

Studying the Word of God is essential for a spiritually healthy life. Like our physical bodies, our spiritual being also needs regular nourishment. Our spirit also hungers and thirsts and only God’s Word can quench it.

However, studying shouldn’t be confused with reading.

Reading the Bible can only give us a surface-level understanding of the passages whereas studying gives us a deeper understanding. When we study the context of each word within each book, particularly the prophecies and fulfillment, we will see how logical the Bible is and how beautifully God has arranged its contents.

Studying the Bible can also lead us to:

Know God and Jesus Christ Fully

someone holding a bible in the green field

In Jn. 1:1, it says that ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God’. In other words, the Word itself is God and Jesus (1 Jn. 1:1). So basically, knowing and understanding the Word is knowing and understanding God.

Simple as it sounds, right?

But, where does ‘knowing’ really begin?

Generally, the only time we can fully comprehend something is when someone explains it to us. In this case, we become fully aware of God when we hear someone teaches us about His Word, which is inscribed throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation (Rom 10:17).

So are listening to sermons every Sunday and regular Bible reading enough to know God?

Well, these activities are some ways to know about God, but is there a way to know God best?

To better understand it, think of a time you were in a relationship. As a couple, you’ve been through stages of discovery and growth until both of you have become one in heart and mind. The two of you did not just meet, develop a genuine love, and then get married the next day. There was this simple ‘when I first saw you’ moment. Then, you set out on a date, and in the process of getting to know each other, you learned each other’s favorites, wants, secrets, and flaws. Eventually, your relationship matured and you decided to marry.

The same process applies to our relationship with God. Getting inside the heart of God-since God is the Word, means we have to get inside the Bible. Knowing and understanding the heart of our God cannot be achieved by a one-time hearing of His word. One must do it consistently and continuously. If we want to be one with God, we also have to undergo stages of discovery, acceptance, and growth in our life of faith. The 12 disciples of Jesus Christ did not follow Him blindly. They loved and obeyed Him wholeheartedly to the point of death. They became martyrs to carry out the will of God and follow Jesus Christ and His Word.

And the good news is, we do not necessarily need to earn a degree to completely understand who God is. Jesus’ disciples did not have to earn a degree just so they could understand God and the Kingdom of Heaven. What they received is the Words that came from Jesus, and through these Words, the disciples were able to identify that Jesus is the one whom God has sent. (Jn 17:6-8)

To Possess Eternal Life

two child walking in the green grass with flowers

Faith is not simply a journey without hope and purpose. We are walking this faith life because we believe that there is a greater reward at the end of the road. There is something within us that longs for heaven and eternity. Our desire to live for years is the reason we are willing to spend thousands on medications. We always look for ways to extend our life.

Similarly, God wants the same thing for us. He wires eternity into our hearts, as recorded in Ecc.3:11.

It is God’s desire for us to seek Him as the author of eternal life. And when we begin to know Him, our eternal lifeline starts to restore. The closer we are to God, the more alive we become in His sight.

This is how Jesus defines eternal life in Jn. 17:3, ‘Eternal life is knowing God and Jesus Christ whom He sent’. Apart from God and His Word, there is no eternal life. That is why Peter said in Jn 6:68, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”.

If we understand this concept of eternal life, it becomes clear to us that studying the Bible plays a big role in knowing God and Jesus. There is no other reference that can reveal the true identity of God and present an extensive and logical explanation of His work over 6000 years, except the Bible. Not contemporary theology books, not commentaries.

Result of Not Studying the Word

If there are advantages of knowing the Bible, then what about the disadvantages of rejecting the Bible?

Let’s take a look at the primary results of not studying the Word.

Lack of Knowledge and Being Deceived

man facing the mirror illusion

Currently, the Christian faith is becoming more and more divided. There are almost 45,000 denominations worldwide, excluding many unregistered and small organizations in remote areas.

Sadly, this division resulted in different teachings, hence different understandings. Instead of uniting under one God, debates and arguments often arise.

But this isn’t new to the Christian faith. Many were divided even before Jesus came.

In Hosea 4:6, the Lord says that His people are destroyed because of their lack of knowledge. Jesus Christ was referring to the people of physical Israel. Partly, they knew about the promise of a Messiah or Savior but had no understanding of how it would be fulfilled. Therefore, when Jesus came to this world, no one believed Him, except the 12 disciples (Jn1:11, Acts 13:26-27). Many of His chosen people did not recognize that He was the fulfillment and could not accept Him.

It was truly a disheartening situation, but we can learn from it. When we realize we lack knowledge or what we understand does not sum up to what the entire bible is telling us, we must be humble and open-minded to accept that we are lacking.

Like Saul (Paul), who greatly persecuted Jesus Christ and His disciples before receiving the Revelation coming from Jesus, became the chosen instrument of God to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles and the people of Israel. He threw away everything he knew and considered it garbage. He emptied out himself in order to receive Christ (Acts 9:1-19, Philippians 3:8).

So, we’re here to help you! We offer this 8-month Bible course to explain what happened in the entire Bible completely and give you a background in the events of the first coming of Jesus Christ and why we have the second coming. You can enroll in a Bible Course here.

We Can Be in Error

girl feeling worried and covers her face with her hands

During the first coming of Jesus Christ, many Pharisees and Teachers of the Law (like church leaders today) were considered very righteous by men because of their zeal for God. They memorized the 613 laws and commands of Moses and studied for 9-13 hours. They read the scriptures all the time and prayed three times with their noses on the ground as they face the temple of Jerusalem.

But Jesus saw something else.

Rom 10:2 says their zeal for God is not based on knowledge. They were in error because they did not know or understand that the very Scripture they were reading pertains to Jesus Christ, as the Savior (Mat. 22:29).

We can see that reading alone cannot provide us with a thorough and proper understanding of God’s Word. No matter how much we self-study, we still need the wisdom of the one who comes from above, like Jesus, to explain to us the deeper truths of Scripture.

So, when we encounter someone like Jesus today, who can explain the heavenly teachings clearly, let us hear his words and teachings and then discern. Jesus taught us what kind of attitude of heart we should have when receiving the Word. It is said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3,6). Those who are rich think that they have enough and do not need anything else. But those who are poor are always seeking, always finding. And they are the ones who will receive the blessing of understanding the Word of God.

Conclusion- Why Study the Bible?

We hope you enjoyed reading our blog about why we have to study the Bible!

Indeed, it is important to deeply understand the Bible because it is a covenant (testament in other words, refers to a promise) God has left us. It is where His plans and promises are written. He has poured out his love all over it and the only way for us to know it is by learning and understanding His Word.

If there was a promise of a ‘Savior’ in the Old Testament, what could be the promise in the New Testament that will be fulfilled in the book of Revelation?

Why is understanding the New Covenant important? What went wrong with the Old Covenant that a new one has to be made? Is there something we have to learn from the past so we will not do the same in the present? At the time of Jesus’ First Coming, out of 5000 people who followed him, only 12 disciples were able to remain. At the time of Jesus’ Second Coming, will he find faith on the earth? (Lk 18:8).

Come and let us study the Bible together to know the answer! Our classes offer an overview of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Check out our free courses here.

1 thought on “Why Should We Study the Bible?”

  1. Thank you so much for a well-written blog! I never had a dull moment reading this. It was, indeed, a good and must read! Thank you for clearly explaining the reason why we must study the Bible! To more blogs like this please. Hats off! <3

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