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What is your standard of love?

Have you ever given this a careful thought? How does it affect your views and relationships with others?

Our perception of love may differ from others. We want to be loved the way we want to and we tend to give love in our special ways. This distinction brings us to the wide spectrum of what it is for people, and it could be ravishing or disappointing.

First off, let’s define what love is. ‘Love’ is generally described as a beautiful feeling of deep affection. It is used when there is a great interest and pleasure in something. On a large scale, it is what unites families, partners, and the community. It is what binds us and what makes people stay.

But now, after we have learned a little too much in life, has this still been what love is for us?

Back in those days, people expressed themselves with persistent endearment. Spoken words and even letters were done thoughtfully, hoping it could touch the recipient’s heart. Pursuing someone would also take time and require tremendous effort to prove earnestness. This is how love is expressed in the old times.

As technology develops, expressing feelings in the 21st century becomes exceptionally easier. More people exercise freedom of speech and can communicate with just anyone with just a click. From this, it should have been easier to reach out and fix relationship issues. But from the looks of it, communication seems to have been more complicated.

While many things have changed, new expressions and various methods of communication have also evolved. The young generation uses terms that relate to recent situations, such as situationship, rebound, toxic, and ghosting to describe hopeless relationship status. It is also observed how there is an increasing number of long-term relationships that fail in today’s time.

As life seems to demand more and give less, there are more people who prefer to exert their efforts on practical matters instead and set love aside.

What has gotten into love when it should be the most valuable out of all things?

We may find love a bit lacking, quite choking, and a bit more demanding. It might be more disappointing as it takes longer. Worse, we may feel that the affection is fading. Even so, there’s nothing greater than to look back and remain by one’s side forever.

What kind of love would that be?  Who could give such reassuring and boundless love?

As written in the Bible, God is love and He Has loved us with everlasting love (1 John 4:16, Jeremiah 31:3). He has shown us in 6,000 years of Biblical history how He fought for us. Despite the betrayal of His chosen ones, He relentlessly searched for genuine believers who could keep His commands. Since God is a spiritual entity, He gave us the Bible to express His will and way to Salvation. God gives promises and fulfills them at an appointed time. The chosen ones are expected to hang on to the promises and when everything is revealed, they are bound to obey and stay faithful in the end. God gave the Scriptures to connect, direct, and train us in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). However, in the olden times, the chosen ones were grumbling and ended up worshiping other gods. This caused them their tragic downfall.

What would have been our fate in the present times? Would the history repeat itself or would we finally be the one to relieve God’s past heartaches?

Indisputably, God’s love is unconditional (Psalms 86:15). But as we learned from the past, love should be reciprocal. No matter how God wants to pursue us, if we do not work on our faith until the end, it will still be in vain.

What God has taught us about great love is hard but fulfilling. It requires commitment, consistency, and responsibility. Most of all, it is all about sharing the same vision. If our hearts are one with God, then our actions are directed to what He is in store for us in heaven.  

Then again, what is your standard of love? Is it God?

Come and let’s learn how to love and be loved genuinely by understanding the language of God!

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