- Adam and Eve
- The Reason Why God Created Adam and Eve
- The Fall of Adam and Eve
- The Covenant that Adam and Eve Broke
- The Serpent Who Deceived Adam and Eve
- The Entity of the Serpent and its Punishment
- Conclusion
Adam is the very first man created by God as known by many, especially believers. But what does it mean to be the ‘first man’ created by God? Is it about physical creation? Is Adam really the first man?
In this blog, we’ll get to know more about the life of Adam, the reason why he was created, and so much more. Keep reading to discover things you might not know yet about Adam’s world.
Adam and Eve
As seen in the Bible, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and everything on it. And among these creations, God created a man which is considered as the highest form of all His creations.

Referencing the book of Genesis, we can see that God created Adam out of clay and was given the breath of life. There, Adam became a living being. Adam’s existence can be seen on the sixth day of God’s creation which happened after he created the rest of the creations. On that same day, God also created Eve after seeing that a man is not good to be alone and made her to be Adam’s helper (Genesis 2:18).
Tracing back to that very day, history and even science show that it has been approximately 6,000 years since the time of Genesis. But, if you think of it logically, the world has been existing for billions of years already. What does it tell us about the idea that Adam is the first man?
Thus, it is safe to say that the creation that happened in the book of Genesis does not pertain to physical creation but rather, a spiritual creation. And we can see that interpreting this work of creation literally would not make any sense as many people would say.
To cite one clear example that could prove it is not physical or literal is the first and the fourth day of creation in Genesis.
We know that on the first day, light was created (Genesis 1:3), and we also know that the heavenly body that mainly emits light in this physical world is the sun. Then how come the sun was only created on the fourth day as recorded in Genesis 1:14? What light was the light mentioned on the first day and the sun written on the fourth day pertain to?
Doesn’t it look like a mystery that a believer should know?
The Reason Why God Created Adam and Eve
To be fruitful, increase in number, rule over, fill the earth, and subdue all creations is the reason why God created the ‘first man, Adam (Genesis 1:28). What does it mean to be the “first man” anyway? Adam is the first to receive God’s word (God’s seed) – making him the first man in God’s perspective- someone who has a religious mindset that desires God. Subsequently, he was the very first man God has chosen to take care of all His creation. He was given the power and authority to rule over them (Genesis 1:29-30). Ultimately, God wants to dwell and be with His creations forever. And this is exactly the original state of man when God was still with Him in the Garden of Eden—eternal life was there.
The Fall of Adam and Eve

Due to the appearance of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God commanded Adam not to eat from its fruit or he would surely die (Genesis 2:16-17).
However, despite this clear instruction, Adam through Eve gave in to the serpent’s deception. They ate the fruit of the forbidden tree which God commanded them not to eat.
The Covenant that Adam and Eve Broke
If we go back to the time of creation a little further, God was very clear when He gave His command to Adam and Eve. That is, to not eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, they still chose to eat it, which means they chose to listen to the compelling words of the serpent which are lies.
And so, by doing that, they were not able to keep their covenant with God. In other words, they broke the covenant. But how can prove that it was a covenant? In Hosea 6:7, it says, ‘Just like Adam, they broke the covenant’. Therefore, that very instruction of God to Adam not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was a covenant.
Hence, because Adam disobeyed God, sin entered the world and death came as a consequence (Romans 6:23).

The Serpent Who Deceived Adam and Eve
Before Satan came into being, we knew who he was. He was once a Guardian Cherub created by God. His only purpose is to serve God along with many other angels in the spiritual world.
This Guardian Cherub was described in Ezekiel 28 as a model of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. But we can also see in Isaiah 14 how he had fallen from heaven because of his evil desire.
Surely, God did not create Satan. God created a Guardian Cherub but this Guardian Cherub corrupted his heart and allowed pride and arrogance to swallow him.
The serpent which is the depiction of Satan was a crafty one. Thinking how he was able to deceive the first chosen by God who was Adam shows how wise he is and how deception has become his forte.
Despite God walking with man, still, the man gave in to sin against Him. This gives us a picture of how wise Satan works and that even the elect can be deceived if he is being complacent in his faith.

The Entity of the Serpent and its Punishment
The serpent that appeared in Genesis has become a dragon in Revelation which shows how tremendous his work has become. He has been deceiving many people, especially the chosen ones using the distorted word of God.
But a time is coming as promised by God that this created being, Satan, who keeps on opposing and destroying God’s work will come to an end. This dragon, the devil, or Satan, will eventually be captured and locked away as it says in Revelation 20.
Since God is the one who promised this, we are certain that a time of fulfillment will surely come. And this is something that we must hold on to while waiting for Jesus’ return—the fulfillment of God’s promise.

God created the heavens and the earth and everything on it including man. God’s desire from the very beginning is to dwell with all His creations forever. He first chose Adam and gave everything to him to rule over them. However, Adam failed to keep his covenant with God and handed over everything to the serpent. And through one man who betrayed God, sin and death came into this earth which is now dreaded by many.
Because of Adam’s fall, God had to leave not to abandon His creations but to come up with a plan of restoring what He lost and bringing them back the way they were when He first created them.
But as we can see in the 6,000-year Biblical history, God’s chosen ones kept on turning their backs on Him. From the time of Adam to Noah, Moses, and even at the time of Jesus’ first coming, the chosen people kept on breaking the covenant. As a result, Jesus had to establish a New Covenant using His blood (Heb. 8:7, Luke 22:14-20). As believers living in the end times, this New Covenant is one that we must be able to keep to attain our hope in this faith life.
There’s so much to learn from the history of God’s work in every era and we can draw wisdom from them. May we be the kind of believers who will keep the New Covenant and receive the blessings promised in the Bible (Revelation 2-3).
But how can we keep something if we don’t know it? Then, we must learn from someone who knows. Join our FREE Bible class today and receive a holistic understanding of the Bible!
This 6,000 history, did it mean from the very creation of Man onto the time of Jesus Christ. please let me have the real understanding of this thank you