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The Greatest Purpose of Life

Every individual has different reasons to keep moving. Some want to pursue their dreams. Some just go with the flow while some are simply afraid of falling behind. For these reasons, we strive to survive.

While we go on, we could find ourselves seeking clarity, delight, and purpose. Questions about life eventually sprung to mind here and there. So then, what questions have lingered in your mind for so long?

This could be a good time to think about this.

In this blog, we’ll discover the common way of life and the way God would want us to live.

Ways of Life

sad man blocking his ears with hands

We have been taught from our younger years to work hard. Parents try to raise their children well to adapt to life and dream for the future. They are willing to do more for what they think their children deserve.

As the child grows, he will encounter countless people and situations which may influence his views in life. He will go through different circumstances that may break him or mold him. He will do more to gain more. After he had it his way and prospered, he would even want more. He will have to put up with the highs and lows of life, yet it still won’t be enough until he asks, ‘What’s the point in all of this?

This scenario is felt as read in the Book of Ecclesiastes, “Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun (Ecc. 2:11).” It is further said that “everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind (Ecc. 1:1, 1:17).

a bundle of money in a hand

What could have been wrong if one ever came to this point in his life?

Now, this does not mean that working hard and chasing dreams are futile. With the high cost of living and soaring demands, we must exert more effort to live a bit more comfortably. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to have a house, building a happy family, or having one’s own business. It is one’s right to reap the fruits of his labor and take delight in them.

Even with these things, we know that our hearts are still in search of the most valuable thing. What has the Bible said to this?

Ways of Godly Life

God  and earth

God has put eternity into a man’s heart and we quench our thirst through Him (Ecc 3:10). Even when we are literally like specks of dust in the universe, God has declared His everlasting love for us (Jer 31:3) and told us how valuable we are to Him (Matt 6:26-27). As the Father, He has promised His children the gift of Salvation and eternal life. He wants us to choose life and blessings to be with Him forever (Deut 30:19).

Yet, the inclination of the heart is evil (Gen 6:5). People follow the desires of the flesh and seek the pleasures and riches of the world. We must take heed of the warning that the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim 6:10). We must be alert to what consumes us or we could be devoured. If we are not careful, we could end up chasing after self-glory, fame, and possessions. If that happens, there will not be enough room for what the Lord has planted in our hearts and we will be doomed for destruction.


Man standing inside in the center of a building

We battle to survive every day. While we are determined to enjoy our present and secure our future, there’s nothing more wonderful than to take the path God has directed us.

Needless to say, He wants us to dream big; bigger than what life has to offer. We, believers, are here for the greatest purpose and are expected to live according to it. It is not God’s plan for us to labor merely for the world to gain. Rather, He wants us to succeed in overcoming the world.

If we do strive for the greatest success, shouldn’t we put God first in our lives?

Let’s take the path towards a more purposeful, Godly life. Come and join us in our Free Bible Study!

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