- Who is God?
- What kind of entity is God?
- Where does God come from?
- Does God really exist?
- Why we could not see God?
- How can we find God?
- Proof of God’s existence
- What are prophecy and fulfillment?
- Time of Abraham
- Time of Moses
- Time of the OT Prophets
- Prophecy and Fulfillment in the Book of Revelation
- Conclusion
Who is God? This is a question many find tricky or sometimes it can feel like a million-dollar question, although we hear it so often in society. While some people shrug it off, there are those who quote other sources or even share their personal testimony to answer that question.
With all these options, is there even a clear and correct way to answer that?
No need to worry, because today we are going to answer that very question and even provide pieces of evidence that God exists.
Who is God?

For some, God is a Father, friend, or someone you can lean on in times of trouble. For others, God is Holy and Almighty and should be respected with utmost priority at all times. With all these varying answers, we might find ourselves questioning the same question.
Yet here is the good news: God wants us to know Him and He gives us the Bible, alongside various proofs of His nature.
What kind of entity is God?
Firstly, we see in Genesis 1:1, that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and the other creatures that followed, thus, He is the Creator. When He explained to Moses in Exodus 3:14, God Himself said, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites”.
He is self-existent; He exists as He is and He doesn’t depend on anything or anyone for His existence.

Where does God come from?
God also described Himself as everlasting. Isaiah 40:28-31 tells us of God’s everlasting nature “The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.” He is not like us, human beings, that we have a starting point as earthly creatures in our mother’s womb. You may check this link to learn further about the entity and character of God.
Does God really exist?
These are things we saw in the Bible, but still, how can we prove His existence if we cannot even see Him?
Some people have trouble believing in something because they cannot see it. At some point and situation, that stands true, yet if we really think about it, there are many things in the world that we cannot see but we know for sure exists. We don’t question the air, sound, and emotions because we have proof of their existence.
And so even for God, although we can’t see Him, we can be sure He exists.
Why we could not see God?
The answer is found in John 4:24, where Jesus said God is in spirit. What does that mean when something is in spirit? Can we see it with our naked eyes, or touch it with our hands? So, we cannot see God directly with our naked eye at the moment, but even if that is the case, we can still prove He exists.
How can we find God?
It is written in Amos 4:13, says there that God reveals His thoughts to mankind, so even if we cannot see Him, He still reveals Himself to us. We can find God through the very thing He left humanity: The Bible.
In John 1:1, it says that the Word is God. Thus, the very words we see in our Bible are our way to know and understand God. 2 Timothy 3:16 also teaches us that all Scripture is God-breathed, thus every word we see in this Holy Book came from Him. The Bible is like a map that leads us to Him, and our guide to walk into the right path. Only through reading and understanding the Bible can we find God.
Proof of God’s existence
Here, we will go deeper into the proof of God’s existence using the Bible as our standard. Inside the Bible, there are many contents, but two of the most important contents that would serve as evidence of God’s existence are prophecy and fulfillment.

What are prophecy and fulfillment?
Prophecy is much like the word ‘promise,’ recall a time you promised a friend you’d give her a gift, and then fulfillment is when you fulfill your promise and give her a gift! It’s like planning and telling something before you actually do it. Amazingly, God works in the same way too. In Amos 3:7, it’s said that God revealed His plans to His prophets and He gives it through visions written in parables (Hosea 12:10).
Unlike human beings, God does not lie and He does not change His mind (Numbers 23:19) so when He promises something, He will surely fulfill it, just as what is written in Isaiah 14:24, “The Lord Almighty has sworn, ‘Surely as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.”
Jesus also tells us in John 14:29 that the reason something is said beforehand is so that when it happens, we believe. We can have faith in God because of the prophecies He gives and the fulfillment of those things.
Time of Abraham
At the time of Abraham, God promised Him that He would give him a son, although he and his wife were at an age past the child-bearing capacity (Genesis 15:4), but God fulfilled it and it came true in the form of Isaac (Genesis 21).
God also promised Abraham that his descendants would be enslaved in a foreign country not their own, but God would punish that nation they serve as slaves, and his descendants would come out with great possession (Genesis 15:13-16). That promise didn’t come true during Abraham’s lifespan though, but it was fulfilled in the time of Moses, exactly as what God promised (Exodus 13).
Time of Moses
Along with the command to lead the people out of Egypt, God also commanded him to lead them to the promised land, Canaan. Although Moses had his moments of doubt and fear, he still obeyed God and through that, the people were guided through their journey. Their journey was not all smooth-sailing and the Israelites started to grumble against Moses. They ended up doubting and rejecting God and setting fake idols for themselves.
Time of the OT Prophets

Despite the people sinning, God did not stop there. He gave the Old Testament prophets a very important promise: that a Messiah would be born to save the people. As we know, this came true in the form of Jesus. Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, and even death have already been prophesied in the Old Testament. In Isaiah 7:14, a promise was given that a virgin will conceive a child and people were only able to understand that when it was fulfilled: the virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus (Matthew 1:18-27).
His sufferings and sacrifice were written too. It’s already been said in Psalms 40:6-8 that Jesus was the sacrifice for the people and that with his wounds, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). When Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole, then anyone bitten by the snake and looked at it will live, it was already a reference to Jesus’ resurrection and the power it holds. John 3:14 confirmed this when it said “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”
Although Jesus was already the fulfillment of God’s promise, many Jews at that time still didn’t believe in Him because of their lack of understanding and their pride.
Prophecy and Fulfillment in the Book of Revelation
This is important for us to know because while Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies, he also left another promise: The New Covenant. Jesus said that the New Covenant is not like the old one that was broken by the people. It is promised that when Jesus returns once again, he will bring salvation to those who are eagerly waiting for Him (Hebrews 9:28).
The Book of Revelation contains the content of this very important promise. How much do you know about this New Covenant or the Book of Revelation? The last chapters, Revelation 21 & 22 promise a New Heaven and New Earth, a time where there is no more pain and death and God will reign forevermore. It also talks about people who fulfill the promise and those who don’t. What does this mean for us today? Are there signs of Jesus’ second coming? How do we know? When? Where? To whom?

Let’s remember that this New Covenant is a promise from God. If we don’t know the contents of this promise, then how can we keep it?
The references we mentioned here are just a few of the many works God did. The 6,000 years’ worth of history in the Bible contains many prophecies and fulfillment should be enough proof that He is real and trustworthy. He exists and He is working. Thus, this New Covenant He has given us today, which we can know deeper in the Book of Revelation, let’s learn it well and do our very best to keep it.
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