- Paul The Pharisee
- His Stand Toward the Old Testament Covenant
- From Persecutor to Apostle
- The Calling of Apostle Paul
- His Humble Heart for the Revealed Word
- The Work of Apostle Paul Toward Eternal Life
- The Apostle Paul of Today
- Conclusion
Apostle Paul is one of the most fervent believers and workers who spread the good news about Jesus to the ends of the earth and even died as a martyr. He wrote some of our favorite books in the Bible such as the book of Romans and Galatians. However, did you know that before he became the apostle, we all loved, he was once against Jesus?
Paul The Pharisee

Paul himself said in 1 Timothy 1:13, that he was once a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a violent man. He confessed in Acts 22:1-5, that he actively persecuted Jesus and blocked anyone who would want to follow the true Way. Also, he put many saints to prison and when they were put to death, he cast his vote against them, going from one synagogue to another to punish and persecute them (Acts 26:10-11).
He was there as he approved the death of Stephen, one of the earliest accounts of murder against those believing in Jesus (Acts 8:1). With all these, he was not just a regular Pharisee, he was the kind that is very fervent to go against Jesus and the saints.
His previous way of life was centered around destroying the church of God (Galatians 1:13) and dragging men and women to prison (Acts 8:3). Even the Lord’s disciples, he was making murderous threats and would even go out of his way to travel to different cities to accomplish this work.
His Stand Toward the Old Testament Covenant

Apostle Paul’s birthplace, Tarsus, was an administrative center for the Roman province of Cilia. Before he was apostle Paul, his name was Saul. He grew up following the teachings and doctrines of the Pharisees. As we know, the Pharisees were wrong in their understanding of God’s word (Matthew 22:29). They were very zealous on the outside, but their zeal was not based on knowledge (Romans 10:1-2).
Thus, Saul was no different. He said in Galatians 1:14 that he was advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews his age and was extremely zealous for the traditions of his elders. They made their own interpretations and traditions out of the Old Testament covenant, resulting in them not believing in Jesus.
From Persecutor to Apostle
Jesus called the Pharisees many names, including being snakes and hypocrites (Matthew 23) and so how can a snake and hypocrite like that of Saul become Apostle Paul? Ironically, this transformation happened as he was on his way to Damascus to put to prison anyone he found as followers of Jesus.
The Calling of Apostle Paul

We see this story in detail in Acts 9 and 22. When he was nearing Damascus, a light from heaven flashed before him. “Who are you, Lord?” he asked, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” The men traveling with him stood there speechless, Saul got blind for three days, and Jesus sent a disciple named Ananias to accompany Saul as Jesus gave them commands. This is what Jesus said of Apostle Paul “This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.”
After that, Paul started preaching that Jesus is the Son of God. Many people listened and were astonished by him. He grew in more wisdom proving to people that Jesus is the Christ. He even had to face trials as many Jews were seeking to kill him because of how he had changed and how he had been preaching the gospel of Jesus. Isn’t it so ironic to think that his original plan was to go to Damascus to persecute the believers there? But before even arriving at Damascus, he is already the one being persecuted because Jesus opened his eyes and he’s now preaching the truth!
His Humble Heart for the Revealed Word

While many people were astonished by Paul’s teaching, the disciples were skeptical of him. He tried joining them when he came to Jerusalem, but the early disciples were afraid and could not believe that he was now an apostle. However, Barnabas came into the picture and explained what happened. From then on, Paul joined the disciples and started his journey to a true life of faith.
Although he was once a Pharisee with all the might and glory, he confessed in Philippians 3:7-11 that all of that, he now considered rubbish, and that knowing the greatness of Jesus is far way better than any of the richness and power he had before. He was willing to move on from a life of comfort to become an apostle who was hated by the world.
All throughout his journey, he remained humble– acknowledging that he was only able to preach and work because he received the word from Jesus (Galatians 1:10-12). He surrendered his life to Christ, preaching His love to all humanity.
The Work of Apostle Paul Toward Eternal Life

Like what we said, Apostle Paul’s journey was not without any hardships- as all stories of God’s believers are. We see in 2 Corinthians 11:23-27 how he detailed his struggles. He was sent to prison, flogged and exposed to death, beaten with rods, stoned, shipwrecked, gone without sleep and food, cold and naked, and was in constant danger wherever he went.
Despite all these, he remained strong and even took pride that he suffered in the name of Christ. He went on doing great things in Jesus’s name, made missionary journeys, and wrote around 13 books in the New Testament.
Apostle Paul kept going because he had the hope to win the prize for which God had called him heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14) He knew Jesus would come for the second time to bring salvation and eternal life (Hebrews 9:28) and he lived his life as if that day will happen tomorrow. He worked hard because he had that hope. How about us, do we have the same hope as Apostle Paul? How much do we even know about that hope?
The Apostle Paul of Today

Apostle Paul lived his everyday life ready to welcome Jesus, but that didn’t happen in his lifetime. So, when will the second coming be? Is it happening in our lifetime?
One thing we know is we have to know and understand the details of Jesus’ second coming. When we do, we can have the same attitude and hope that Apostle Paul had, and like him, we can be those who are acknowledged and used by God for His glory.
So who is the Apostle Paul of today?
- Those who share the word of God
- Those uniting in God
- Those spreading God’s love
- Those who walk in the Spirit and do righteous things
- Those who are courageous and would offer their lives as living sacrifices
- Those who are willing to throw away their old beliefs to receive the truth
All these things and more Apostle Paul did. Yet how was he able to do all these? By having the proper understanding of God’s word. So, for us, it is a need to have a proper understanding of God’s word as well.
Apostle Paul’s life is one great example that with God, nothing is impossible. If He changed Paul who was once a great persecutor, He can change whatever needs to be changed in us too. His heart of humility was also like no other, he was already among the rank Pharisees at that time, but he was willing to throw all that power, knowledge, and teachings upon receiving the word of truth from Jesus.
In 1 Timothy 1:13-16, Apostle Paul tells us that through his story, from being the worst of sinners to becoming an apostle, we can see Jesus’ love and patience for those who believe in Him and receive eternal life.
Yet like Apostle Paul, we also have to be humble and open our ears, minds, and hearts to listen to God and obey whatever He commands us to do. Let us be like him who is willing to set aside what we used to believe and hear the testimony of the word of truth. And how do we hear God? It is through His Words that we can find in the Holy Bible (John 1:1).
Thus, let us continue to study the Bible. As we do, let’s pray we will hear God’s voice more and more, and He will use us as His noble instruments.
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