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Importance of Evangelism

What is Evangelism

Evangelism, by definition, is spreading the Christian gospel and the teachings of Christ. It makes known the things Jesus did, including his story and plans and makes people believe in him. It is letting people know and understand the Bible, and all its contents so we can have faith. Also, if we look at the word itself, we spot the word “angel.” The act of evangelizing is a work done with the angels of heaven.

What does the Bible say about Evangelism?

A believer is called to endure hardship and do the work of an evangelist in 2 Tim 4:5. The New Testament books show us how the disciples worked hard to spread the gospel wherever they went. Acts 28:23 tells us how the people would flock around the disciples as they explain the Bible from morning until evening. Figures like Apostle Paul and Peter even died as martyrs, spreading the word of God until their last breath.

So, what was the motivation behind all these? Why were the disciples so willing to dedicate their lives to the Word even if it meant death? This circles us back to the Great Commission Jesus left after he died and was resurrected in the first coming. These are Jesus’ last words to his disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt 28:19-20)

Then shortly after, we see the disciples carrying out this mission. They did it because they believed in Jesus and his words. They had hope that he would return to bring eternal salvation to those believing in him (Heb 9:28). The disciples knew the weight of Jesus’ teaching and how it is the way for people to be saved. Evangelism is saving lives.

The Importance of Evangelism

The importance of evangelism is something we can see throughout Bible history. It is even within moral teachings, and more importantly, within prophecy and fulfillment. Jesus gave this command for very important reasons that resonate with us today.

Obeying Jesus’ commands

Evangelism is important because it is our act of obedience towards Jesus. He said in John 14:15, that if we love him, we will obey his commands. That was what exactly the apostles did. Their lives are our greatest examples of how we should carry out the work of evangelism. Their faith and obedience to Jesus stood until the very end, forgetting their old lives and considering everything rubbish (Phil 3:8).

Spreading the Gospel

Rom 1:16 tells us that the gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. When Jesus was on earth during his first coming, he went from one town to another to preach the good news of the kingdom of heaven (Matt 9:35). He fulfilled what was prophesied in the Old Testament. The promise is that a Messiah will proclaim the good news, heal the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom (Isa 61:1). Jesus spread the gospel so people can hear, heal, and have life. Thus, when we spread the gospel, we are not just spreading any other word, we are spreading life.

Sharing Faith in God

We know that faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ (Rom 10:17). Hearing the message about Jesus and spreading it is our way of strengthening our faith and those of others. If we truly are Jesus’ followers who believe in his promises, we would love others to hear it too, and develop faith in God.

Uniting the Community in Peace and Love

Jesus told his disciples in John 13:35 that the world would know that they were his disciples if they loved one another. More than anything, the one thing they all had in common was the true understanding of the word of God. With that word, they were able to live a life of peace and love, even though they also encountered a lot of persecution. Col 3:14-15 reminds us to put on love which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, to which we were called in one body. Having a clear understanding of the gospel will bind us all in peace and love.

Benefits of Evangelism

Knowing all these, let us also discover how this work of evangelism benefits us, the brothers and sisters next to us, and the community around us.

Evangelizing Ourselves

Like what the quotes say, ‘we can’t pour from an empty cup’. Before even evangelizing other people, we must evangelize ourselves first. When we immerse ourselves in God’s word and receive proper understanding and wisdom from Him, only then can we grow the heart to also share the good news of His word with others. As believers, we should always be close to the Word, seek wisdom (Prov 9:10), and stand firm and hold fast to the teachings of Jesus (2 Thess 2:15).

Evangelizing Others

When we have the word inside of us, we can share it with others. In John 4, here we see the story of Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman. After a few exchanges realizing that Jesus could be the Messiah they were waiting for, she returned to her town to proclaim the news and invited people to listen to Jesus. This is one example of us evangelizing other people. When we hear the good teachings about Jesus, our heart feels a sense of urging other people to hear it too. This is us giving ourselves and other people life.

Evangelizing Our Brothers and Sisters

Heb 10:24-25 constantly reminds us to spur one another on toward love and good deeds and encourage each other daily. Carrying out a life of faith is not a green pasture; we will face many kinds of difficulties along the way. Hearts may change and faith may be affected, and these can happen to us and any of our brothers and sisters. As those who share the same faith, let us bear love and compassion to check on the person next to us, and be there as a family ready to help them with the wisdom God provides. The road towards true life is a narrow one (Matt 7:13-14) thus, let us help each other stand upright in this journey until the end.

Ultimately, God’s will is for all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of truth. When we share the word, we are fulfilling God’s will, attaining true knowledge, and having more hope for eternal salvation. Evangelism is saving ourselves, the brothers and sisters next to us, and the whole community.

Role of an Evangelist

An evangelist is someone who spreads the word of God to the world. Talking to others and inviting them to Bible study, sharing Bible verses, and correcting each other’s mindset through God’s word are just some of the things an evangelist does.

Eph 2:10 calls believers as God’s handiwork, those who are created in Jesus to do good works. True believers, like that of the apostles and early Christians, don’t just sit around waiting for things to happen. They muster courage and do the work of God– do the work of evangelism. Believers are called to be a light and bring salvation to the world (Acts 13:47). They are not ashamed of the testimony about Jesus, but share in the suffering of the gospel (2 Tim 1:8-9).

Moreover, Apostle Paul shared in 1 Cor 9:19-23 that he had become all things to all people so that by all means he might save them. To the Jew, he became a Jew, and to the weak he became weak. An evangelist loves and cares, seeing each person as a precious soul that is loved and yearned by God.

Evangelism Today

Again, the apostles were eager to work because they believed that Jesus would come again for the second time to bring salvation. They eagerly waited for it, but it didn’t happen in their lifetime. We are blessed to have known all these things in history, as people of today, because it propels us to be those who can welcome Jesus in his second coming. Again, let us evangelize ourselves first. Let’s make sure that God’s word is in us, and when we really seek it, God will grant it (Jer 29:13).

Then, we can share this word with others and be part of those who fulfill the great commission. In Matt 10:7-14, Jesus instructed his disciples to search for some worthy person in the towns they go in and evangelize. He also assures us not to worry about what to say because the Holy Spirit will be the one guiding us (Luke 12:11-12). The work of evangelism is a work of God, thus when we do it, we do it with God.


God’s heart is for all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth (1 Tim 2:4). When we evangelize, we acquire true knowledge, leading to salvation for ourselves and the people around us. This is how important evangelism is, it leads us to salvation, and it leads us to God.

So, let us make the most of our time and start acquiring true knowledge. We offer free Bible study opportunities to everyone, which also come in various programs and schedules. Join us as we learn, and together we will evangelize ourselves and the world!

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