When the pandemic struck, it brought about a series of unfortunate events that left many people fearful and uncertain over the past two years. The global impact was profound: job losses, business closures, lives lost, and natural calamities added to the turmoil.
It has been tough for everyone but especially difficult for those who have lost their loved ones. Despite this, we have to get up and move on with our lives. The key is not only to rise above these challenges but seek solutions. So, we need to anchor ourselves in our trust in God again.
God always gives us encouragement to come closer to Him and to learn about His Word. Even the martyrs, faced with extreme challenges, remained faithful to the Word of our God and the testimony of Jesus.
Hebrews 12:1-3 says we are surrounded by witnesses- those people who had unwavering faith in the Lord, such as Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. Despite their uncertainty about the future, they heeded the Lord’s commands to spread His Word, continuing forward with faith.
To keep moving forward in your faith it’s important to stay rooted in God’s word. You can keep moving forward in your faith life by following these four tips.
#1 Get rid of everything that hinders you.
We must get rid of everything that hinders us- anything that is becoming more meaningful to us than God.
As followers of God, it’s important for us to look closely at ourselves. We need to see if there are things in our lives that might stop us from doing the things God wants us to do. Just as we clean out cluttered spaces, we must declutter our lives to make room for God.
Some specific pursuits and relationships may hinder our spiritual growth. Having a business, pursuing a career, or having relationships – these are not bad things at all. But if these things get in the way of knowing God better, crowding out our time for prayer, worship service, Bible study, and reflection, then that can be an obstacle to growing closer to God.
Reflecting and meditating is way important. By reducing work hours, limiting social media, and distancing ourselves from toxic relationships, we can open space for a deeper connection with God.
#2 Don’t allow sin to entangle you
Sin is a barrier between God and us, sapping our faith and causing spiritual stagnation. Just like what it says in Galatians 5:16,“walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
We shouldn’t let sin control us. Instead, we should follow the Lord’s teachings and walk on the path He has shown us. In a situation when we are pressed, we can redirect our energy towards prayer and self-control, rather than venting out frustrations online or causing more trouble for other people.
This way, we can live in a good and right way. We can live a life that honors God’s teachings and seeks His grace. If we let our Lord Jesus enter our lives, His teachings and the Word of God can bring about positive changes in us.
#3 Run with perseverance

Endurance in faith mirrors those who came before us. The Lord Jesus walked the road mentioned in the Bible with suffering and pain. He was obedient to the Father’s will, even though it meant death on the cross. He endured pain and suffering and ultimately overcame it. As it says in James 1:12 that blessed are those who persevere under trial because they will receive the crown that God promised.
Just as a runner doesn’t stop halfway, we must resolve to keep moving forward with conviction, believing that God’s promises would guide us through life’s trials. And when we run, we must not run like someone running aimlessly (1 Corinthians 9:26), we must run with the goal to finish the race. If we stumble, then we get up. That’s the spirit we should have in order to win a crown that heaven will acknowledge.
#4 Focus on Jesus
In moments of despair, fixing our eyes on Jesus as the author and perfecter of faith can bring hope, strength, and wisdom to our faith journey. His Word is alive and active and offers guidance and comfort in times of need. We can find peace in the knowledge that He will never leave nor forsake us, and carry us through any difficulty.
It is only when we turn our eyes and hearts to Him that we can thrive and overcome any obstacle life throws at us. The pandemic taught us that faith is not immune to trials but is fortified through them, reminding us that amidst the darkness, our faith can shine brighter than ever.
To keep moving forward with our faith, there are certain things we must uproot and plant. We must uproot our doubts, fear, insecurity, and negativities, and plant the Word of God that bears hope, courage and positivity.
May you keep moving forward with your life of faith through the guidance of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
It was indeed very encouraging when reading this message. It helps me to be enlighten of the things that need to focus on.