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Prayer for Friends

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two girl friends

Prayer for friends- how often do you pray for your friends?

A friend is someone who knows us very well, someone who sticks with us in any situation of our lives, may it be good or bad. They are always there to support us and accept us for the things that we are doing. Friends are also like a vault where we can hide our secrets. They can also be the shoulder we cry on when we are sad. Sometimes there may be misunderstandings between you and your friend, but your love and connection make you overcome those situations.

Friends are really like family to us. Even when we are far away from them and unable to be there to help them, we can still reach out to them. There is always something we can do- and that is prayer.  Praying for them can really show how much we value our connection. God also instructs us to encourage each other. In 2 Thess 5:11, He said, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing”.

Prayer may not provide a complete solution to their problem, but it may bring them peace of mind and guidance from God that can help them overcome their situation. It is the most priceless thing that you could do to them yet so heartwarming. With all of our hearts let’s pray for them.

“Dear God,

I come before You today with a heavy heart, lifting up my dear friends in prayer. You know how unique and beautiful they are, and You understand the challenges and struggles they face today.

Please provide them with Your unwavering love, peace, and reassurance. Help them to feel Your presence and to know that they are not alone in their struggles.

Grant them wisdom and guidance in navigating through their challenges. Illuminate their path and show them the steps they need to take to find resolution, healing, and growth. May they find the courage and resilience to face their obstacles with confidence and determination.

Please grant them emotional and mental well-being. Bring healing to any wounds they carry within their heart and mind. Replace their anxieties, fears, and sadness with Your peace, joy, and hope.

I ask for Your divine intervention in their specific needs and circumstances. Provide them with the resources, opportunities, and support they require. Surround them with loving and compassionate individuals who can offer encouragement, understanding, and a helping hand.

If there are any areas in which my friend needs forgiveness or reconciliation, I pray for restoration and healing. Help them to find the strength to seek forgiveness, grant forgiveness, and mend broken relationships.

Lastly, I pray for their overall happiness and fulfillment. May they find joy in the simple moments, discover their purpose, and experience personal and spiritual growth. Shower them with Your blessings and open doors of opportunity for them.

Thank you, loving Creator, for the gift of friendship and for hearing my prayers. I trust in Your divine plan and know that you work all things for good.

In Your name, I pray,


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