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Temple of God image

Temple Where God Dwells

    God had to leave because men became sinners and as someone who is Holy, God couldn’t dwell with humans anymore. It was because of the existence of God’s enemy, the devil who is the origin of sin that the relationship of God and His chosen people got disconnected. 

    What is the Bible article image

    What is the Bible?

      One of the most trustworthy scriptures and the best-selling publication to date, the Holy Bible continues to be relevant to most people, especially believers of God and Jesus. It is a collection of books with many different themes and writing styles.

      Prayer for Mourning

        Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging things we will ever go through in life. It can feel like our world has been turned upside down, and we don’t know how to cope with the pain. We may feel lost, alone, and afraid.

        World of Adam Article image

        The World of Adam

          Adam is the very first man created by God as known by many, especially believers. But what does it mean to be the ‘first man’ created by God? Is it about physical creation? Is Adam really the first man? In this blog, we’ll get to know more about the life… 

          Shincheonji Church of Jesus begins sermons given by laymen during ‘Wednesday worship service’… First among domestic and international churches

            Shincheonji Church of Jesus begins sermons given by laymen during ‘Wednesday worship service’… First among domestic and international churches A systematic process of education on Revelation, ‘turning all church members into pastors’ ‘I want to try preaching in the worship service’ – increase in the number of applicants Starting on… 

            Book of Revelation, which remains an enigma for pastors, is testified fluently even by an 8-year-old child at Shincheonji

              An 8-year-old child steps up to the pulpit and delivers a sermon on the Book of Revelation, which even pastors find difficult to teach. This is the reality of a Wednesday worship service at Shincheonji Church of Jesus in South Korea.  Since July 19th, adult congregation members have been given… 

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              4 Ways To Keep Moving Forward

                T o keep moving forward in your faith it’s important to stay rooted in God’s word. You can keep moving forward in your faith life by

                Prayer For Spiritual Growth

                  People seek spiritual growth for various reasons. Some seek purpose and meaning, while others desire peace and happiness.

                  Prayer for Love and Compassion

                    Compassion and love are powerful forces in the world. They can heal hearts, build bridges, and create a more just and loving world. When love and compassion appear distant, it is essential to remember that we can turn to prayer. Naturally, our hearts long for belongingness and understanding in those… 

                    Who is God article image

                    Who is God in the Bible?

                      Who is God? Why do we have so many different interpretations of God, when there is only oneBible? Is God some kind of force, a three-in-one, or a myth? These questions indeed challenge our faith life. So, we’re here to help you find answers! Let’s explore the Bible, the one… 

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