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Ep. 16: Would I Have Recognized Jesus?

    We’re throwing it waaaay back today to Jesus’ first coming 2000-ish years ago to ponder if we would have recognized and believed in Jesus and what he was preaching at the time. The Jews had to look past many things and overcome a lot to come to Jesus – it wasn’t easy! And now, as the people who are holding on to his promise of a second coming, perhaps we should reflect on ourselves and wonder if we wouldn’t make the same mistakes today. And a good place to begin is asking ourselves if we understand the prophecies for the second coming. Knowledge is power! ✊🏼

    Ep. 15: Do I Really Have to Tithe?

      Today’s topic is courtesy of one of our listeners in the comments section, thank you! 🤗Tithing is a widely practiced basic duty in the Christian faith and on this episode, we talk about how we used to practice it, what the Bible says, what Shincheonji teaches on it and how we practice it today. Get ready for a tithe-al wave of love for tithing! 🙊❤️

      Ep. 14: How Can I Be Sure That God is Alive?

        We love a good how-I-came-to-Jesus story and we ourselves have experienced how God nudges us through the different circumstances of our lives to draw us closer to Him. But alas, the Bible shows us that human beings are forgetful and stubborn. What is the one unchanging thing that proves that God is alive which can serve as the rock solid basis of our faith? Clue: it rhymes with prophecy and fulfillment 🙊

        Ep. 13: Why Did Jesus Have to Die on the Cross?

          Today on the BNE pod! (Beanie pod? 🙊) You don’t even have to be a Christian to have heard of Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. We both grew up thinking that because of what Jesus has done, we are forgiven of our sins and are saved as long as we believe and keep a life of faith. But is that how the story ends? Wait, how did this even begin? On this episode, we share what we learned in Shincheonji about the back story of Jesus’ sacrifice, the very important role that it plays in God’s salvation plan and what still remains in order for us to be saved 🙏🏼

          Ep 12: What is the Temple that God Truly Desires?

            We’ve been fortunate enough to see some pretty amazing churches but where does God truly want to dwell? The Bible says in Acts 7:48-50 that God does not want to dwell in houses built by human hands because the earth is His footstool and what could we possibly build for Him, duh. He didn’t really say duh but you know what we mean. God has shown us in the Bible through a copy and shadow that the temple He truly desires in the end is us. And the only thing that can create us into the temple that is worthy of being His dwelling place is His life-giving word (Jn 1:1-4, Jn 15:3). So come on Good Samarites, watch and get all the deets on how we can be that temple today! 😇

            Ep. 11: Are We Saved by Faith Alone or Faith + Works?

              We’re taking on a topic suggestion today from our comments section! There are many differences in the Christian world and this is one of them – are we OSAS (once saved, always saved) or must we have faith and work in order to get to heaven? Shincheonji teaches that the process is knowledge, faith, action 🎬🙊 We must first have the proper knowledge so that we can base our faith on that which can then lead us into the proper actions. We had fun reminiscing about how we used to practice our faith and we are so happy to share what we learned 💖

              Ep. 10: How Can I Keep My Promise with God?

                Welcome to part 2 of our conversation about the Bible and covenants! It was news to us when we learned that we had a covenant to keep but it’s true – God always relates to His chosen people with a covenant (Ps 89:3) and has consistently kept His promise but the people have also consistently broken it 😭 Why are promises so important anyway? Our own personal relationships reflect why. Broken promises suck and God deserves better 😇

                Ep. 9: Am I Reading the Bible Wrong?

                  Spoiler alert: probs, if you weren’t aware of these important Bible basics as taught by Shincheonji. We’ve always had a desire to read and understand this book that is so important to our faith but frankly, it was too challenging and/or it would make us pass out 😴 Turns out we first had to adjust a few things in the lens through which we look at the contents of this book! When you do, we promise that the Bible is the best. book. ever 😉💖

                  Ep. 8: Does God Want Me to Suffer?

                    For thousands of years, people have been wrestling with the question – if God is a good God, then why is there suffering in the world? We have had our fair share of yuck that this world has to offer and instead of blaming our many poor decisions or considering the enemy’s work in our lives, our go-to move was to question and blame God. But not after the Shincheonji Bible class! There’s a perfectly logical answer in the Scriptures to this age-old question. The award for Most Wrongfully Accused goes to… God 😭

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